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Players are introduced to the fundamentals of soccer tactics such as passing the ball, offensive moves, defensive moves, keeping/controlling the ball and taking the ball away from the opposing team. Players learn to score and prevent goals. Physical endurance and fitness are emphasized while touching the ball. At this age, the focus starts to change from simple games to organized, tactical, competitive games.

Mt Prospect

Melas Park (MLPK)
1500 Central Rd
Mt Prospect, Illinois 60056
42.0693614, -87.9585972
Code/Section Season Location Gender Grades Ages Days Time Dates No Class Dates Weeks Price/Fee
28106 Spring MLPK All 6 - 8 Tuesday 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 04/02/2024 - 06/04/2024 10 $140.00R